Oh Iggy Iggy

student, mother, daughter, sister, aunt, lover, friend. All views are my own and in no way belong to anyone else because I only have one brain to think with.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Reality is not so nice (The house market....)

So, life is spending some quality time kicking my arse this week. Good one. We're considering moving, which means breaking our lease but we worked out if we don't move to somewhere cheaper we're going to go bankrupt anyways. Yay for us. Money management WIN.

On the plus side, I have a new job the only bad side is it's not full-time and it might not be permanent. But still, more hours means more money. So Win there.

But really what's bothering me is I honestly don't think it should be this hard for the average working family. My partner earns a modest wage and I work part tie whilst studying and raising out daughter. I'm looking for full-time work but so far am struggling.

No one wants to hire mothers, it's too hard, we take too much time off for the kids and we make unreasonable demands like not wanting to work overtime because the daycare center shuts at 6:30 and we might (shock horror) have another baby which means we'll want maternity leave. FYI I don't want more kids, but I know that employers look at women of child bearing age and just assume we're going to pop the out like candy from a pez dispenser. We can't help ourselves, we're just women after all, we have URGES (I've honestly heard a male colleague talk about women's "insatiable urge to breed)

Back to my original point.. which was... umm.. OH RIGHT! It shouldn't be this hard. I'm not saying we should be able to save our 25% deposit in two weeks and trundle into the suburban dream sunset, but every family should be able to save at a 10% deposit on a 250,000 home (which, lets face it is about the average in Tassie) in, say, 2  3 years. It's going to take use 6. Minimum.

Costs are rising: food, rent, power, phones, daycare, fuel etc etc and there's nothing that can be done to stop them.

I don't know how "we" (we meaning you, me, the government, whoever you feel should fix these issues) should deal with it or how it can be fixed. All I know is there is something rotten when the average person can't afford to buy their first home, because eventually no one will be able to afford for their first home and if they can't buy a first then they can't buy a second etc etc. A market of renters with the only winners being investors (i.e the rich)

So yes, essentially this is a big "I'm poor and it's not fair because I want to be rich" whinge.

Thanks for listening

Iggy. x


  1. $250k for a house? Oh how nice that would be! Good luck finding a modest apartment for that much in Melbourne.

    I tend to think "investors" are half the problem - once a house became more than something to live in, and became a profit-making venture, all common sense went out the window. A 0.25% interest rate rise doesn't seem as big a problem as when the sheer price of a house is more than ten times your annual wage...

  2. Yeah but our wages are much lower than mainland wages, so it tends to be relative. WHen you need at 10% desposit (25,000) and you're yearly househole income is 40k it seems impossible!

    Definitely agree about investors! I think that there should be a 1 house per person thingy!
